Advanced Company Settings
When you create invoices, estimates, purchase orders, jobs and customer numbers, it is important that these are sequentially numbered. These numbers ensure proper tracking and documentation for tax and accounting purposes.
The number sequences are set up in this section. If you do not set this up, you will have to enter a number manually on each item or they will be unnumbered.
Set Up Auto Incrementing and Starting Numbers
To access the Advanced Settings page, go to Settings > Company Settings > General > Advanced.

- Select the option to be set (Jobs, Invoices, Estimates, Purchase Orders or Customers).
- Tick the checkbox for Autoincrement. This will enable the Starting Number field.
- Key in the starting number.
- Ordinarily, the sequence is started at 1. But if you already have existing invoices (for example) and you want to continue the numbering pattern, you can use the next number in the series.
- Repeat the same process for the other 3 options.
- Save the setup.