Job Colors

Assign colors to different job types to make them easily identifiable on the schedule grid.

Access Job Color Settings

  • Go to Settings > Scheduling > General Settings > Job Colors to create, edit, or delete job color schemes.

The page defaults to the list of Job Colors that have already been created, presented in table format. This is also the page where these job colors are created, edited, and deleted.

Overview of Job Colors List

The Job Colors page displays a table of all existing job colors.

Table Columns:

  1. Name – The assigned name for each Job Color.
  2. Color – The color assigned to each job type.
  3. Actions (3-dot menu) – Use this to Edit or Delete a Job Color.

Sorting the Job Colors List

  • Click on the column headers (Name or Color) to sort the list by that field.

Display Options

  • Choose how many job colors to show per page: 15, 25, or 50. Use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate between pages.

Add New Job Color Button

Used to create a new Job Color.

Create a Job Color

To create a new job color, go to the + New Job Color button.

Fill in the Job Color details on the Add Job Color window. Fields with * are required.


  • Key in the assigned name of the Job.


  • Click on the field and select the color to be used.

Save the new Job Color. This will be added to the list.

Edit a Job Color

Find the job color to be updated from the list. Click the 3-dot menu to its right and select Edit.

Update the details from the Edit Job Color window as needed. Once done, Save the changes.

Delete a Job Color

Find the job color to be deleted from the list. Click the 3-dot menu to its right and select Delete.

The Job Color will be removed from the list.