Vehicle Alert Descriptions

In setting up vehicle alerts, you have to select the specific type of alert. Depending on the selection, additional fields will have to be filled in to further define when an alert will fire.


The Idle alert will allow you to receive an alert when a vehicle has idled continuously for longer than the specified time set by you.

  • Time(Minutes) – define the number of minutes that the vehicle has been idle before the alert will fire.

Speed Under

The Speed Under alert will allow you to receive an alert if a vehicle is travelling below a specified speed for longer than a specified duration, both of which are set by you. 

  • Speed(MPH) – Define the minimum speed (in miles per hour) that you want the vehicle to travel in. Always set a time allowance for this alert.
  • Time(Minutes) – Define the minimum time (in minutes) that the vehicle has been travelling below the set threshold before an alert is triggered. Travelling below the minimum speed beyond this time will cause the alert to fire.  This will prevent the alert from always sending unnecessary notifications when the vehicle slows down.

Speed Over

The Speed Over alert will allow you to receive an alert if a vehicle has been travelling over a specified speed continuously for longer than a specified time, both of which are set by you.

  • Speed(MPH) – Define the maximum speed (in miles per hour) that you want the vehicle to travel. Always set a time allowance for this alert.
  • Time(Minute) – Define the threshold whereby high-speed travel will be tolerated. Set the maximum time (in minutes) the vehicle is allowed to travel above the threshold speed before the alert is fired. Travelling above the set maximum speed beyond this time will cause the alert to fire.
    • You can always set this to zero (0) minutes. The alert will be sent every time the vehicle goes over the set speed.

Geofence Enter

The Geofence Enter alert will allow you to receive an alert when a vehicle enters a specified geofence. 

  • Geofence – Select the specific Geofence.

Geofence Leave

The Geofence Leave alert will allow you to receive an alert when a vehicle exits a specified geofence. 

  • Geofence – Select the specific Geofence.

Ignition Off

The Ignition Off alert will allow you to receive an alert when the ignition of specified vehicles is switched off.

Ignition On

The Ignition On alert will allow you to receive an alert when the ignition of specified vehicles is switched on (the engine is started).


The PTO alert will allow you to receive an alert when PTO has been engaged for longer than the set threshold.

  • PTO Threshold (Minutes)
  • Alert Duration (Minutes)

Check Engine Light On

The Check Engine Light On alert will allow you to receive an alert when a device detects that your dashboard check engine light is on. This alert will only work with OBDII plug-in devices and only in certain Make and Model vehicles. Check with Industrack Support if the alert is available for your vehicle.

Quick Acceleration

The Quick Acceleration alert will allow you to receive an alert when a device detects rapid acceleration. This is detected using an accelerometer inside the device.

Hard Breaking

The Hard Braking alert will allow you to receive an alert when a device detects extremely rapid deceleration. This is detected using an accelerometer inside the device.

Power Disconnect

The Power Disconnect alert will allow you to receive an alert when a device becomes disconnected from constant power so you can address the situation.

Aggressive Cornering

The Aggressive Cornering alert will allow you to receive an alert when a device detects high lateral acceleration. This is detected using an accelerometer inside the device.