Add New Bill

To create a new bill, click on “Actions” and select “+ Add New Bill.”

The Add New Bill window will pop up.

Assign Tag/s to a Bill

Precreated Tags can be assigned to Bills, simplifying the process of grouping and locating similarly tagged Bills.

To assign tags to a bill, click on the Tags search bar to display the tag list. Then, select the appropriate tags to assign to the bill.

Choose a vendor from the drop-down list, or you can also create a new vendor if needed.

After the vendor is selected, add the vendor’s Mailing Address.

General Info

Terms – click on the Term field and choose from the available options.

If a payment term is set up, the due date will be automatically set.

Bill Date – the date on which a bill is issued.

Add a Bill Number.

Parts & Services Details

Add parts and services to the bill by clicking on the parts and services search bar. Find the desired part from the list and select it, or search by typing the name, number, or code of the part or service.

The other fields will auto-fill depending on your selection.

Once you have selected the part or service that you need, set the quantity by typing in the desired quantity. The Amount (total amount) will auto-compute.

Mark products or services as billable. Billable refers to items, services, or hours that can be charged to a client, representing expenses or work that are eligible for invoicing and payment.

Mark the products or services as taxable, meaning they are eligible to be taxed by government authorities based on applicable tax laws.

Identify the customer to whom the product or service is billable and assign it accordingly.

To remove the item from the list, click the X button at the far right of the item.

To disassociate a customer, click the “Other X” button located near the customer box.

After selecting the part or service you need, enter the desired quantity. The total price will automatically be calculated.

 Click the Save button to save the new Bill. The bill will remain open and you can continue working on it.

The new bill will be added to the bill list.


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