Create New Project

Project Management plays a pivotal role in enabling organizations to navigate complexities, optimize resources, and achieve strategic goals. It helps every part of the business run more efficiently and effectively.

To Create a New Project, Tap on the +Add New button.

Select the Customer and their Location

Scroll through the list of customers to locate the right one. Alternatively, use the search bar to quickly find the client’s name. Once you select a customer, all their service locations will appear. Choose the appropriate service location and click proceed.

The Project Page will come up. Fill in the details to create your Project.

The Project Page

The page consists of three sections: Project General Information, Dashboard, and Associated Items (including Estimates, POs, Jobs, Invoices, and Attachments).

General Information

The general information contains customer information and project information.

Assign a name and number to the project. Choose the start and end dates, and provide a short description.

Assign Tag/s to a Project

Precreated Tags can be assigned to Projects, simplifying the process of grouping and locating similarly tagged projects.

To assign tags to a project, click on the Tags search bar to display the tag list. Then, select the appropriate tags to assign to the project.

Associate Items ( Estimates, POs, Jobs, Invoices, and Attachments)

Associated items refer to various elements that are linked to a project and contribute to its execution and success.

By managing these associated items effectively, project managers can enhance organization, communication, and overall project success.

At the bottom half of the project page, you will find the following tabs: Estimates, POs, Jobs, Invoices, and Attachments.


Estimates are cost projections for resources, labor, and materials needed for the project. It helps in budgeting and financial planning.

Link existing customer estimates to the project by clicking the +Add New button.

After clicking the Add New button, a list of all estimates associated with the customer will be displayed.

You will have access to all the details about the estimates, including the description, date, creator, total value, and status.

Scroll through the list of estimates to locate the right one. Alternatively, use the search bar to quickly find the estimate.

Choose the appropriate estimates to associate with the project by checking the box on the left side. You can select multiple estimates at once. Then click on Proceed.

After clicking Proceed, you should see the selected estimate/s linked to the project in the estimates list.

From this point, you will see the estimate details, including the estimate number, description, and amount.

You can always click on the +Add New button to link more estimates.

To delete or unlink the estimate from the project, click on the three dots and select Delete.

Purchase Orders (POs)

Ensures that resources are acquired in a timely manner and helps track spending.

Link existing customer POs to the project by clicking the +Add New button.

After clicking the Add New button, a list of all POs associated with the customer will be displayed.

You will have access to all the details about the POs, including the PO number, vendor, vendor invoice number, job # (if the PO is associated with a job) due date, creator, amount, and status.

Scroll through the list of POs to locate the right one. Alternatively, use the search bar to quickly find the PO.

Choose the appropriate POs to associate with the project by checking the box on the left side. You can select multiple POs at once. Then click on Proceed.

After clicking Proceed, you should see the selected POs linked to the project in the POs list.

From this point, you will see the POs details, including the PO number, and amount.

You can always click on the +Add New button to link more POs.

To delete or unlink the POs from the project, click on the three dots and select Delete.


Breaks down the project into manageable parts for better tracking and accountability.

Link existing customer Jobs to the project by clicking the +Add New button.

After clicking the Add New button, a list of all Jobs associated with the customer will be displayed.

You will have access to all the details about the Jobs, including the Job date, Job time, Job number, description, amount, and status.

Scroll through the list of Jobs to locate the right one. Alternatively, use the search bar to quickly find the Job.

Choose the appropriate Jobs to associate with the project by checking the box on the left side. You can select multiple Jobs at once. Then click on Proceed.

After clicking Proceed, you should see the selected Jobs linked to the project in the Jobs list.

From this point, you will see the Job details, including the Jobs number, description, and amount.

You can always click on the +Add New button to link more Jobs.

To delete or unlink the Jobs from the project, click on the three dots and select Delete.


Facilitates financial transactions and helps in monitoring project expenses.

Link existing customer Invoices to the project by clicking the +Add New button.

After clicking the Add New button, a list of all Invoices associated with the customer will be displayed.

You will have access to all the details about the Invoices, including the Invoice date, Invoice number, estimate and job associated number, service location, due date, balance, total, and status.

Scroll through the list of Invoices to locate the right one. Alternatively, use the search bar to quickly find the Invoice.

Choose the appropriate Invoices to associate with the project by checking the box on the left side. You can select multiple Invoices at once. Then click on Proceed.

After clicking Proceed, you should see the selected Invoices linked to the project in the Invoice list.

From this point, you will see the Invoice details, including the Invoice number, description, and amount.

You can always click on the +Add New button to link more Invoices.

To delete or unlink the Invoices from the project, click on the three dots and select Delete.


In project management, attachments refer to any files or documents that are associated with the project to support the management processes. These attachments can be used for reference, documentation, communication, or to fulfill project requirements.

Link Attachments to the project by clicking the +Add New button.

Select File Window will pop up, Click on the Choose File Button to add an attachment.

Note that the document size should be up to 5 MB.

After the attachment is added, the file name will be visible.

You may add a description if needed, or leave it blank and click save.

After clicking Save, you should see the added Attachment linked to the project in the list.

At this point, the attachment details, including the file name and description, will be visible.

You can always click on the +Add New button to link more attachments.


A project management dashboard is a visual tool that provides an overview of key project information and financial metrics in a centralized, easy-to-read format. It helps project managers and stakeholders track the progress of a project in real-time, enabling better decision-making and efficient project monitoring.

After linking all elements—Estimates, POs, Jobs, Invoices, and Attachments—to the project, you will see that the dashboard will automatically display the total amount for each element, along with the job costs and invoices associated with the project, After linking all elements—Estimates, POs, Jobs, Invoices, and Attachments—to the project, you will notice that the dashboard will automatically display the total amounts for each element, along with job costs and invoices associated with the project, effective tracking of your costs, profits, and revenue.


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