Creating and Adding Jobs

There are three ways to create jobs in Industrack:

  1. Convert an estimate into a job
  2. Create a job from the Actions tab
  3. Create a job directly from the Scheduling Grid

Creating a Job from the Scheduling Grid

If you know when and who will perform the job, you can create it directly in the Timeline View (the default calendar).

  • Open the calendar on the date of the job.
  • Find the time and field employee.
  • Double-click to open the “Add New Job” window, where the employee, start date, and time are already filled in.

More details are covered in the Add a New Job section.

Creating a Job from the Actions Tab

You can also create jobs from the Actions Tab in the Schedule Module:

  • Click on Add Unassigned Job in the upper-right corner to open the “Add New Job” window.
  • This is useful if the job is not yet assigned to a specific employee or date.
  • The job will go into the Job Queues section for future assignments.

You can access the Add New Unassigned Job option from any calendar view.

Converting an Estimate into a Job

Converting an estimate into a job is the easiest way to create a job.

To do this:

  • Go to the Estimates module.
  • Select an estimate, click the three dots, and choose Convert to Job.

How to Add a New Job

In the Job Info section, you’ll be able to add key job details like:

  • Customer information
  • Job description
  • Parts, services, or equipment
  • Attachments, forms, and purchase orders
  • Notes

1. Select a Customer

  • Start typing the customer’s name and select it from the list.
  • If the customer is not listed, you can create a new one.
  • Contact info, billing address, and service address will be displayed.

If the customer has open jobs or estimates, you can click View Jobs or View Estimates to see them.

2. Service Location

  • If the customer has multiple service locations, select the right one from the dropdown.
  • The main location will be pre-selected if you create the job from the Scheduling Grid or Actions Tab.

Select Customer

  • Start typing the customer’s name and select it from the list.
  • If the customer is not listed, you can create a new one.

Contact info, billing address, and service address will be displayed. If there are any site notes that have been entered into the profile for the customer, these will also be displayed under the notes section. If the customer has tags associated with it will be seen at the top.

If the customer has open jobs or estimates, you can click View Jobs or View Estimates to see them.

Service Location
  • If the customer has multiple service locations, select the right one from the dropdown.
  • The main location will be pre-selected if you create the job from the Scheduling Grid or Actions Tab.

Job Details

  • Job Description: Enter a simple description or name for the job. This will appear on the calendar together with the customer’s name. If the job was converted from an estimate, the estimate description will map as the Job description.
  • Job Status: Choose between Not Started, Started, Paused, Completed, or Declined. Job statuses are updated automatically when field employees make changes in the mobile app.
  • Job Number: If auto-increment is set up, the job number will populate automatically.
  • Service Type: Choose from the dropdown (set up in Schedule Settings).
  • Job Priority: Set the job’s priority (Low, Medium, or High).
  • Job Color: Select a color to represent the job.

Start Date and Time, End Date and Time, Estimated Duration

Enter the start date and time of the job. Below that, enter the end date and time. Instead of entering the end date and time, you can instead fill in the estimated duration or the estimated time the job will take to finish. The end date and time will automatically fill in. If you start creating the job by clicking in the calendar schedule grid, the start date and time will already be filled in. You can edit these.

Note that these times are for purposes of creating the schedule only and do not necessarily mean that these will be the actual job start and end times for the field employee. The job reports will show the actual times your field employee actually arrived at and departed from the customer’s.

In the event that you do not yet have a specific date for the job that you are creating, you can leave the date and time blank and the job, when saved, will go into the Unassigned Job section.

Add Parts/Services/Equipment, Attachments, Existing Customer Equipment, Forms, Purchase Order, and Notes

  • Add Parts/Services/Equipment- Add parts, services, or equipment to the job from your inventory list. If the Part/service/equipment you need is not from your inventory list or has not been added to your inventory list, you can add and create a new item here.
  • Note that you can add the same item separately as well.
  • Existing Customer Equipment– This will only be shown if the customer selected has existing equipment. You can also create one here if needed.
  • Attachments– If there is any other info you want to add to the job you can also add it here such as URLs, files, or tools.
  • Forms – Mobile forms are pre-made, select the form/s you want to add to the job.
  • Form Trigger – select when the form should pop up when the field employee does the job.
  • Purchase Orders – If there are items or parts you need to order and to be added to the job, you can create a purchase order from here.
  • Notes – There are three types of Notes (Notes for field employees, Field Notes, Pinned/Site Notes)
    • Notes for Field Employees – These are notes from the office staff that field employees will see once a job is dispatched. This note is designed so that office users can put their notes or messages for the field users.
    • Field Notes – After a job is dispatched, field employees will have access to a “Field Notes” section in the app, where they can enter updates or information for the office team. Once the app is synced, office staff will be able to view these notes under this section.
    • Pinned/Site Notes – These notes are specific to the customer and service location and remain pinned for easy reference.

Assigning Employees

  • Choose field employees or groups from the dropdown.
  • If you create the job from the Timeline View, the employee will already be assigned.
  • For custom calendars, only employees/groups assigned to that calendar will appear in the list.
  • If you don’t know who will be assigned yet, leave it empty. The job will go into the Unassigned Jobs section.

Adding or Removing Crew Members

  • To add crew, tick the checkboxes next to their names. Employee groups will automatically include all members.

To remove crew, click the delete icon (X) next to their names, or clear the whole list with Clear List.

Saving or Dispatching the Job

  • Save: The job will be saved, but no notification will be sent to the field employee.
  • Dispatch: The job will be sent to the field employee’s mobile app, notifying them of the assignment.