Estimations Report
Estimate reports play a crucial role in your business. Estimate reports help managers/supervisors assess the feasibility and viability of a job or project. By providing accurate cost estimates, these reports enable you to make informed decisions about whether to proceed with the job or project.
To access Estimations Report, click on the REPORTS Module> on the left-hand side and click on Estimations.
A drop-down option will show its subcategories for the reports you want to see:
- Estimation By Status
- Estimation By Customer
- Estimation By Tag
- Estimation By Office User

Estimation By Status
In this Report, you will be able to generate each of the statuses of the estimates such as:
- Change Request – After creating an estimate, you will be able to send the estimate to the customer for approval or if they want to make changes to the estimate. Select the status “Change Request” to view all the estimates that the customer requested for changes.
- Draft –
- Won – Estimates that the customers approved.
- Scheduled – Estimates that are approved and converted to jobs.
- Sent – Estimates that were sent to the customers via email.
- Lost- Rejected estimates.
- Invoiced – Estimates that were successfully invoiced.
To view the Estimate By Status Report, go to Reports Menu on the top> Click Estimations> on the drop-down click Estimation By Status.
- Number Shows the specific number of estimate which was provided to it.
- Company Indicates the name of company for which estimation was created.
- Location Shows the location where estimation was created.
- Description Shows the description regarding particular Estiamte.
- Total Shows the total amount of goods.
- Status Shows the current status of the estimate.
- Date Shows the date when was the estimate created.
- Job # shows the specific number of job which was assigned to it.
- Invoice # shows the specific number of invoice which was assigned to it.
- Cost Shows the total cost.
- Profit Value Shows the total profit generated.
- Created By Shows the name of person who created the invoice.

Generate Estimation By Status Report
You can filter the report by the following:
- Status– Which status you would like to generate
- Change Requested, Draft, Won, Scheduled, Sent, Lost, Invoiced.
- You can only select one status each time.
- Date/s – Depends on what status you’ve selected. If Draft is selected, filter the date it was created. If the status is selected for Won, Scheduled, Sent, Lost, or Invoiced, filter the dates for which the estimate status has changed. The report displays estimates by the date the status has changed.
- Select the start date and end date
- After you selected the status and the start and end date, click on Get Report.

- Alternatively, you can also select a period rather than selecting a specific date:
- Yesterday | Today | last Week | This Week | Last Month | This Month

After we click on Get Report, we can now export the Estimation By Status Report into Excel or PDF format by clicking on the Actions Button.
Actions Button
- Export to PDF
- Export to Excel
- Configure Report Columns
- Add to Favorites
Export Report
- Click on export to Excel or export to PDF to download the report to your computer. Either way, you can completely see the details in the report.

Configure Report Columns
Enable or disable the columns on this report if you want to see them or not. When disabling the column/s, once you generate this report that specific column will be removed.

Uncheck columns you don’t want to see in the Report. Click SAVE after configuring.

Add to Favorites
If you are frequently using this Report, you can select and Add it to your Favorites.

After you added a Report to Favorites, a Favorite Tab will be added at the top right of the left panel. All reports that are added to Favorite will be listed in the Top panel for easy access.

Estimation By Customer Report
You can find in this report the details of the customers and the estimates:
- Estimate Number –
- Company Name – Customer name.
- Location – Customer service location.
- Description – the description regarding the Estimate.
- Total – the total amount of goods.
- Status – Status of the Estimate.
- Date – the date when was the estimate created.
- Job # – If there is a job associated with the Estimate
- Invoice # – If there is an invoice associated with the Estimate
- Cost – the total cost.
- Profit Value – the total profit generated.
- Created By- Who created the estimate
To view Estimation by Customer Report, go to Reports Menu on the top> Click Invoicing> on the drop-down click Estimation by Customer Report.

Generate Estimation By Customer Report
You can filter the report by the following:
- Customer
- Click on Select Customer
- You can only select one customer at a time.
- Date/s – The estimate created date.
- Select the start date and end date
- After you selected the customer and the start and end date, click on Get Report.

After we click on Get Report, we can now export the Estimation By Customer Report into Excel or PDF format by clicking on the Actions Button and selecting Export to PDF or Export to Excel.

Estimation By Tag Report
In this Report, you can generate estimates by their Tags. To view Estimates By Tag Report, go to Reports Menu on the top> click Estimations> on the drop-down click Estimation By Tag Report.
- Estimate Number –
- Company Name – Customer name.
- Location – Customer service location.
- Description – the description regarding the Estimate.
- Total – the total amount of goods.
- Status – Status of the Estimate.
- Date – the date when was the estimate created.
- Job # – If there is a job associated with the Estimate
- Invoice # – If there is an invoice associated with the Estimate
- Cost – the total cost.
- Profit Value – the total profit generated.
- Created By- Who created the estimate

Generate Estimation by Tag Report
You can filter the report by the following:
- Tag/s –
- Click on Select Tag/s
- You have the option to either select one tag or multiple tags.
- Date/s – The estimate created date.
- Select the start date and end date
- After you selected the tag/s and the start and end date, click on Get Report.

After we click on Get Report, we can now export the Estimate By Tag Report into Excel or PDF format by clicking on the Actions Button and selecting Export to PDF or Export to Excel.

Estimation By Office User Report
In this report, you can generate estimates by the office user who created them and their statuses. To view Estimates By Office User Report, go to Reports Menu on the top> click Estimations> on the drop-down click Estimation by Office User Report.

Generate Estimation by Tag Report
You can filter the report by the following:
- User/s–
- Click on Select User/s
- You have the option to either select one office user, multiple, or all users.
- Date/s – The estimate created date.
- Select the start date and end date
- After you select the user/s and the start and end date, click on Get Report.

After we click on Get Report, we can now export the Estimate By Office User Report into Excel or PDF format by clicking on the Actions Button and selecting Export to PDF or Export to Excel.