Manage Invoices
Invoices can be printed, marked as sent or unpaid, or paid or emailed to the customer. If a job is already completed, you can convert that job into an invoice with just a couple of clicks. A won estimate can also be converted into an invoice even before a job is completed. You can also convert multiple jobs into one invoice.
Accessing the Invoices Module
Open Invoices Module: Go to Invoices on the module header. If it’s grayed out, you don’t have access. If it doesn’t appear, your account may lack permissions.

Invoices Dashboard Overview
At the top of the Invoices page, a dashboard summarizes key invoice metrics, including:
- Paid in the Last 30 Days: Shows invoices marked as paid within the last month.
- Overdue: Displays unpaid invoices that are past their due date.
- Open Invoices: Lists invoices that are unpaid but not overdue, or without a specified due date.

Invoices List
The Invoices List displays all invoices created in Industrack. Each entry includes:
- Date: Date the invoice was created.
- Number: Invoice number.
- Estimate & Job Numbers: Linked estimate or job, if applicable.
- Company: Customer’s business name.
- Service Location: Job location or service address.
- Due Date: Payment due date based on terms.
- Balance: Remaining unpaid amount.
- Total: Invoice’s total value.
- Status: Current status (e.g., unpaid, partially paid, overdue).

You can sort the list by date, number, company, due date, or total, by clicking the relevant header.

Use the search bar to find invoices by company name, invoice number, or service location.

Date Range: Filter invoices by creation date.

Filter the invoice list according to status.

More Actions
To view payments received transaction history, click on more actions and select View Payments.

On the Payments Page, you will be able to see here all of the payments received with info on when it was paid, the invoice number, the customer, payment method, amount paid, and reference number if any.

Mark for Sync Option
If your Industrack account has been integrated with Quickbooks, here is how you sync your invoices.
Put a checkmark on all of the Invoices you want to sync to Quickbooks and click on Mark for Sync.

Edit, Preview, Send, Print, Delete, Clone Invoices, and Receive Payments
If you have mistakenly input the wrong data on the invoice, you can always edit them.
From the Invoices List, find the specific invoice to be edited. Click on it to open or click on the three dots on the right-hand side and click on edit.

Edit: Find and click the invoice or the three dots to open and edit details. Save changes using Actions > Save or Save and Close.

Preview Invoice
Use the three dots to preview the invoice as a PDF. Optionally save as a PDF.

After clicking on Preview, you will see how your Invoice looks if you download it as a PDF File, this is how your invoice will look once you send it to the customer.
On the Preview, you will have an option as well to save it as a PDF File. To exit the preview click on Close.

Send Invoice
Select an invoice, and click Send.

An email Invoice window will pop up, customize the email (subject, recipients), and send.

And if you scroll down, you will see the preview of the invoice body and details.

After sending the invoice, notice that the status of the invoice changed to Sent and there is a date of when it was sent.

If the customer opens the email, the status will change to viewed.

Print Invoice
Print: Choose the invoice, and click Print to generate a hard copy.

Copy/Clone Invoice
In Indutrack, you can clone or duplicate your invoice as well.
Select the invoice, and click Copy/Clone to create a duplicate.

The Invoice has now been duplicated.

Delete: Choose the invoice and click Delete to remove it.

Receive Payments
- When a customer is ready to pay, select Receive Payment.

After clicking on Receive Payments, all invoices from this customer will be listed.
Choose the relevant invoices, select a payment method, and click Save. The invoice status will update to “Paid.”
Click on Save and the invoice status will change to PAID.

The invoice Status will change to PAID once the payment is received.