PriceBook Flat Rate

Flat Rates are items created for each of the PriceBook subcategories. Flat Rates may be a combination of parts, services, and/or equipment.

To access the Flat rate page of a specific category, go to Settings > PriceBooks > Categories > Specific Category > Specific Subcategory.

Alternatively, the flat rate page can also be accessed via Settings > PriceBooks > Flat Rate. This will open the flat rates for all subcategories.

Flat rate List

On the Flat rate page, you can see all flat rates created for all subcategories.

  • Name – Assembly name
  • SKU – If Available
  • Category- Which subcategory does the flat rate belonged.
  • Description- Description of the flat rate.
  • Price – Auto computed. If the markups and discounts are set up, the markup value will automatically reflect.
  • Member Price – Auto computed. If the markups and discounts are set up, the markup-discount value will automatically reflect.