Schedule Module
Managing Field Employees’ Schedules and Jobs in IndustrackTrack
To manage your field employees’ schedules and job assignments, go to the Schedule section in the module header.
- If the header is grayed out, it means you don’t have access to the module.
- If it’s missing from the header, your company’s account does not have access to the feature.
Viewing and Creating Job Schedules
From the Schedule page, you can:
- View your field employees’ job schedules
- Create new jobs for them
Schedule Module Settings
The rules for the Schedule module are configured in the backend (Schedule Settings), such as:

Timeline View
By default, you’ll see a scheduling grid for all your field employees, broken down by hours for the current day. This is called the Timeline View.
- All your field employees will be listed, whether they have jobs scheduled or not.
- Jobs assigned for the day will appear on the grid, color-coded by job type. To customize job colors, visit the Settings page under Schedules.

- To view a different date, click on the date and choose a specific day. You can also use the arrows to move forward or backward by day, week, or month, depending on your current view.
- Use the search bar to find specific job types, customer jobs, or employees’ schedules.

- To view only certain field employee groups, select a group from the dropdown list. Only employees from that group will appear on the calendar.

- Use the search bar to find specific job types, customer jobs, or employees’ schedules.

- To view job details, just hover over the job, and the details will pop up.

Job Colors and Job Status
Jobs are color-coded for easy identification. Job colors are set up during job creation, and you can configure these in the Schedule Settings page.
Job statuses are shown on the calendar with icons, which automatically update as the job progresses. Here’s what each icon means:
- Job Created/Saved: Diskette icon
- Job Dispatched: Truck icon
- Employee Traveling to Job: Steering wheel icon
- Job Started: Play button icon
- Job Paused/On Hold: Pause button icon
- Job Completed: Checkmark icon
- Job Declined: X icon
- Job Invoiced: Dollar sign icon

Viewing Jobs by Day, Week, or Month
You can switch between daily, weekly, or monthly views using the calendar options at the top left of the page. These views show the same schedules but aren’t tied to specific employees. You can still hover over any job to see its details, including which employees are assigned.
Day View

Week View

Month View

Custom Calendars
You can also view Custom Calendars that you’ve created in the Schedule Settings.
- Click the dropdown arrow to see a list of available custom calendars, then choose the one you want to view.

- Custom calendars display schedules for employees who belong to the groups assigned to that calendar. You can add new jobs directly to these calendars.

Actions Button

- Add Unassigned Job: Create and save a job that hasn’t been assigned to a specific employee yet.
- Job Queues – View jobs in various statuses, such as Unassigned, Assigned, On Hold, Completed, Approved for Invoice, and Invoiced.