Non-Inventory Items
Non-inventory items are products or supplies that a company purchases for its own use, or in the performance of customer jobs. Also considered non-inventory are custom-designed products purchased for a specific project or job.
Set Up a Non-Inventory Item
To add and manage your non-inventory items, go to Settings > Inventory > Inventory List.

Click on the Actions button and select + Add new Non-inventory.

Fill in the item details on the Add Non-Inventory window. Fields with (*) are required.
General Details
- Key in the name of the non-inventory item.

- Key in the item’s assigned product code.

- Select the supplier from the drop-down list.
- If the supplier is not on the list, key in the name. This will be added to the vendor list when the item is saved.

- If the item is not taxable, tick the checkbox. But if it is, leave the checkbox empty.

Income Account
- Select the corresponding income statement account from the dropdown list.
- Scroll down the list to find the correct account name. OR
- Key in the account name on the search field to quickly find the correct one.
- If the account name is not on the list, key in on the field. This will be added to the list when the item is saved.

Sales price/rate
- Key in the selling price of the item, if applicable.

Sales Description
- Key in a short description of the item. Since this is a non-inventory item, who uses it or what it is used for may be a good addition to the description.

Expense Account
- Select the corresponding expense account from the dropdown list.
- Scroll down the list to find the correct account name. OR
- Key in the account name on the search field to quickly find the correct one.
- If the account name is not on the list, key in on the field. This will be added to the list when the item is saved.

- Key in the most recent purchase cost of the item.

Stock Details
Main warehouse quantity on hand *
- Key in the stocks on hand. This will now be your beginning inventory.
- This is a required field so if there is no quantity on hand, use 0.

Save the new non-inventory item. This will be added to the Inventory List.

Once a non-inventory item is saved, the stock location field will be activated. In edit mode and if the information is already available, or if applicable, enter the Bin # and/or Isle #.

Update the Details of a Non-Inventory Item
Find the non-inventory item to be updated from the list. Click on the item and the information will open in edit mode.

Edit/Update as may be needed. Once done, Save the changes.
- Inactive non-inventory items are not editable. These will have to be reactivated first.

Deactivate a Non-Inventory Item
Deactivate a non-inventory item if this will no longer be held in inventory. This is an option to take instead of deleting the item.
Find the item to be deactivated from the list and tick the checkbox to its left.

Click the Actions button and select Make Inactive.

- To deactivate multiple non-inventory items, tick the checkboxes to the left of all those to be deactivated. If all items will be deactivated, just tick the checkbox of the Name header. Just note that the list includes the other types of inventory. And then go to the Actions button and select Make Inactive.
A warning window will come up. Click the Yes button to continue with the deactivation and Cancel to abandon the action.

The item will be removed from the Active List and moved to the Inactive List.

Reactivate a Deactivated Non-Inventory Item
Go to the Inactive Inventory List

Find the non-inventory item to be reactivated from the list and tick the checkbox to its left.

Click the Actions button and select Make Active.

- To reactivate multiple non-inventory items, tick the checkboxes to the left of all those to be reactivated. If all items will be reactivated, just tick the checkbox of the Name header. Just note that the list includes the other types of inventory. And then go to the Actions button and select Make Active.
A warning window will come up. Click the Yes button to continue with the reactivation and Cancel to abandon the action.

The item will be removed from the Inactive List and moved to the Active List.

Update the inventory record/details as may be needed.
Delete a Non-Inventory Item
Delete a non-inventory item that is no longer in use or was created in error. It is wise to exercise caution when using this function. Deleting a non-inventory item may affect other functions, settings, or data.
If the item has an active status, deactivate this first. An active non-inventory item can not be deleted.
Move to the Inactive Inventory table.

Find the non-inventory item to be deleted from the list, and tick the checkbox to its left.
- To delete multiple non-inventory items, tick the checkboxes to the left of all. If all items will be deleted, just tick the checkbox of the Name header. Just note that the list includes the other types of inventory.

Go to the Actions button and select Delete.

A warning window will come up. Click the Yes button to continue with the deletion and Cancel to abandon the action.

The non-inventory item will be removed from the Inactive Inventory list.