Release 92 (1/30/2024)
Description: Deleted Items Report
Previous behavior: Office users cannot see when or who deleted Jobs, Invoices, Estimates, Customers, or Purchase Orders.
Improved behavior: We have added a new Report under Reports > Scheduling > Jobs > Deleted Items Report. In this Report, the client will be able to generate deleted items, such as Jobs, Estimates, Invoices, Customers, and Purchase Orders. They will be able to see who deleted them and when they were deleted.

Description: Reports > Calendar
Previous behavior: When the User clicks inside the Calendar Box the calendar does not appear, the calendar will only show if the user clicks the Calendar Icon.
Improved behavior: Calendar will appear when the user clicks on Calendar Box.
Description: Bell Icon – Reminders
Previous behavior: On the Bell Icon, all reminders that are assigned to any office user are showing no matter which office user is logged in.
Improved behavior: When hovering on the Bell Icon, it will filter and will only display reminders that are assigned to the logged-in office user.
Description: Timesheet Records, Timesheet Approval Page, and all Timesheet Reports.
Previous behavior: On Timesheet Records, Timesheet Approval Page, and all of the Timesheet Reports we do not have a Column for Cost Codes.
Improved behavior: When have added the Cost Code Column after the Type Column in Timesheet Records, Timesheet Approval Page, and all of Timesheet Reports.

Description: Reminders Pop up.
Previous behavior: Reminders Pop-up will only show when the office user logs out and then logs back in.
Improved behavior: We have allowed to display of Reminders Popup on a schedule (every 12 hours) so office users can see it even if they don’t log out and log back in.
Description: Tasks Reminders
Previous behavior: When the Task Reminder is assigned to a specific Office User, it will show in the Task Reminders Tab for all Office Users.
Improved behavior: We will only show the Task Reminders to the person it is assigned to in the Task Tab.