Jobs Queue
Jobs Queue is the page from where you can view all your unassigned, assigned, on hold, completed and invoiced jobs in one place. To access Jobs Queue, navigate to Schedule module, hit Actions button and select Jobs Queue option.
At a glance, you can view several tabs across the top that display the jobs with different statuses.
The Unassigned Jobs section has jobs that do not have field employees assigned yet. To assign a field employee, double click on any job and the Edit Job window will be displayed and you can add a field employee.
Assigned Jobs section, you can view those jobs to which the field employees are assigned. This section contains both saved jobs and dispatched jobs. You can view the field employee(s) assigned to each job and the status for each job. Dispatched job is the one to which field employee(s) has been assigned and the job was dispatched to their mobile devices. Double click on a job to open the Edit Job window from where you can make changes.
The On Hold section will allow you to view those jobs that were put on hold by your field employees or by the office users. You can view the job hold reason for each job. Click on 3 dots to View Job Report which has all the details about the job including the notes.
All the completed jobs are under the Completed Jobs tab. To view the job details, approve the job for an invoice, view an estimate, click 3 dots in the far-right corner.
1. View Job: To make changes to the job info or to view the job history, select View Job option.
2. Approve: To convert a completed job into an invoice, you must approve the job first. This option will allow you to approve the jobs and then convert them from Approved for Invoice tab.
3. View Job Report: To view the field notes, images, attachments, parts and task details, you can view job detail report.
4. View Estimate: If a job was converted from an estimate, you can view the estimate details. If View Estimate is greyed out, it means no estimate is associated with that job.
From the Completed Jobs section, you can approve a single or multiple jobs to be converted into an invoice.
Approved for Invoice section contains all the completed jobs that are now ready to be invoiced. Click 3 dots to see more options:
1. Convert to Invoice: Convert a single job into an invoice.
2. View Job Report: To view notes, parts, equipment, pictures, attachments and task details, you can view job detail report.
3. View Estimate: If a job was converted from an estimate, you can view the estimate details. If the View Estimate option is greyed out, it means no estimate is associated with that job.
Using Approved for Invoice tab, you can convert a single job into an invoice or even you can create one invoice for multiple jobs for the same customer.
From the Invoiced tab, you can view all jobs that were converted into invoices. You can search for a particular job by entering the job number in the Search field. Click 3 dots to see more options:
1. View Invoice: Select this option to view the details of an invoice.
2. View Job Report: To view detailed information about notes, parts, pictures, attachments, task details, you can view job detail report.
3. View Estimate: If a job was converted from an estimate, you can view the estimate details. If the View Estimate option is greyed out, it means no estimate is associated with that job.