Scheduling a Job Workflow
To add an unassigned job in the system, navigate to the Schedule module click the Actions button, then select Add Unassigned job. If you don’t yet know which field employee will perform the job, the best is to create an unassigned job. Once you have a clear direction on field employee assignment, you can go ahead and assign a crew member to that unassigned job.

If you already know the field employee who will perform the job, you can add an assigned job by double-clicking on the grid for any field employee, and the Add New Job screen will pop up.

Assuming you have already uploaded your customers, search for the Customer and if the customer has multiple locations, you can choose one from the Service Location drop-down.

Add Job Description and at the bottom, you can change the Start and End date/time and set the estimated duration for the job. Please note this is just an estimated duration that you have entered. The reports will show the actual start and end times that your field employees will record on the job site.

Assuming you already have items added to your inventory, you can now add the parts/services/equipment to this job. This is optional for dispatchers and techs in the field can add parts.

Go to the Attachments section and select the type of attachment from the drop-down. The attachments that are associated with the customer profile will also be displayed so you can select them if required.

Choose Forms to be filled out by your field employees. You can set the form trigger to ensure the forms will pop up for your field employees when the trigger condition is met.

If the job requires a part, you can create a purchase order and attach it to a job.

You can add notes for your field employees.
Please see below the details for each note:
Notes for field employees: These are the notes entered by the office user/dispatcher. These can be the instructions for the field employees to inform them what service they would have to perform on the job site.
Field notes: These are the notes entered by the field employees using their mobile app. These can be the notes to inform the office users about what was done on the job site.
Pinned/Site note: These are the notes entered for your field employees. These can be the gate codes for accessing the property or notes about the parts of the property that are regularly serviced.

Navigate to the Employee(s) tab and assign one or more crew members to the job.

Once done, you can save the job and it won’t be dispatched. If you choose to dispatch the job, your field employee(s) will be notified on their mobile app, and they can start the job.
After the Job is dispatched to a Tech
The tech will receive a notification on his mobile device that a job was assigned to him, the tech will also get notified if there are any changes in the job (notes, status, updates) from the office side.
On the app, the tech will go to the Job Module. From the Job Module, the tech will be able to see all the jobs that are assigned to him.
Once the tech clicks to open the job it will take him to the job details page. All the basic information about the job will be provided such as contact information, crew members, etc.

Job Details
After selecting the job, it will take you to the job details page. All the basic information about the job will be provided such as Customer Name, Contact info, Job location, Job Description, etc.

Job Notes
There are three types of Notes, Office notes, Field notes, and Site Notes.
Field notes will show up here once the field employee added their notes.
Click on the Notes Icon to view Office notes, and Site notes, and to edit/add Field notes.

View/Edit Job Notes
After clicking on the Note Icon, you will see three tabs at the bottom.
Office Notes are available if the office user who dispatches the job has an important note for the field employee. The office note cannot be edited but can be copied by tapping copy.

View/Edit Job Notes
Field Notes is where the field employee can add notes when in the field, office users will be able to see the field note.
Field users can edit their notes anytime. Field notes will also show on the Job detail page.

View/Edit Job Notes
Site Notes – These are the notes that are pinned to this specific customer and service location.
Click on the Check Icon to save and to go back on the Job Detail Page.

Job Details
Add New Image- Attach images you took at the job. View/Edit Images- This will show you all the images that have been added to the job, you will be able to edit/delete them from here as well.
Crew members – you will be able to see all the crew members assigned to this job.

Add New Image
Add New Image- When tapping the Add New Image Icon, you can choose whether you want to capture images directly from your phone camera or your gallery.

View/Edit Image
View/Edit Images- When tapping the View/Edit Image option, this will show you all the images that have been added to the job, you will be able to edit/delete them from here as well.
Camera Icon – This will allow you to add more images from this page.
Download Icon – When tapping the download icon, it will download the images attached by the office user from the office side to the mobile app.
Tap on any image if you wish to Fully View, Edit, or Delete it.

Start Travel
When you are ready to travel on the job, tap on the Start Travel button. If you tap the Address on the job details, Google Maps will open up and route you to the destination.

End Travel
Once you have arrived, you need to tap the End Travel.

Start the Job
Inside the Details Tab hit the Start Job button when you are to start the job.
Once you are on the job, beside the Job # the Job Status will change accordingly.

Once you start the Job, notice that the Break Button pops up.
The Job status changed to Started highlighted in green.
If you need to take a break just tap on the break button and the Job Status will be changed to Paused highlighted in yellow.

In the Items Tab, if the office user attached items or inventory parts to the job you will be able to see here all inventory items such as inventory part, non-inventory parts, services, and equipment that is attached to this job.

Plus Icon – For instance, the office user forgot to attach certain items to the job. Field employees will also be able to add inventory items here.

Existing Customer Equipment
In the Equipment tab, you will be able to see here all of the customer’s existing equipment and all of its service history.

Existing Customer Equipment
Search Bar – field employees can search for a piece of customers existing equipment and assign it to the job.
Scan Existing – field employees can scan a code of equipment and it will be automatically added to the job.
Toggle Icon- assign equipment to the job by toggling on the toggle icon. If it is already toggled on that means the equipment is already assigned to the job.

Mobile Forms
A list of pre-configured Forms that is assigned to his job will be listed here.
Field employees or customers can fill out this form.

Forms List
All forms that are assigned to this job will be listed here.
Plus Icon– A list of pre-configured Forms that can be assigned to the job will be listed. You can pick and fill out the form and it will be assigned to the job as well.
When the form is assigned to the job you can open it up, fill it out and you will have the option to SAVE, SUBMIT, or MAIL.
Saving the form will only save all the info that you fill it. Submiting the form will save the form and sumbit it to the office side and office users will be able to see it. Mailing the form will ask you input and email address and it will be sent out to the email you input.

More Option
This will give you the option to View Tasks, Assign Tools, or View Purchase Orders associated with the Job.

When the jobs that are dispatched have a lot of tasks to do, you can also add tasks to the job to make your work easier.

Assign Tools
Tools – Click on Tools to view tools attached to the job, you will be able to check in and check out the tools here.

Purchase Orders
Click on Purchase Orders to view all attached purchase orders to the job.

Purchase Orders
From the Purchase Orders list, you will see the attached purchase order for the job including the Purchase Order Number, PO amount, Vendor, and the PO Status. Note that if there are changes in the PO like receiving the items, or adding the received items to the job, the PO status will change accordingly.
If you need to purchase more items from another vendor, tap on the Plus Icon to create a new purchase order.
When tapping on the existing purchase order, you will see the Purchase Order details page.

Purchase Orders Details
From the Purchase Order detail page, it will allow you to edit/change the Vendor detail, add a memo for the vendor, or edit the Purchase Order amount.
view/add more items to the PO, receive items, or add received items to the Job.

Purchase Orders Items
Items page – You will see all the items added to the Purchase Order.
If you need to add more items to the PO, tap the Plus Icon.

Purchase Orders Items
If using an IOS device, swipe left on the item for more options. If using an Android tap-hold the item.
Receive item – This will mark the individual item received.
Add to job– This will add the item to the jobs item list.
Delete – This will delete the item from the PO.
Tap on the Receive Items Tab to receive all items via scanning the SKU or manually adding the item codes.

Receive Items Page
QR or Barcode scanner will pop up, this will allow you to scan SKU items, or add the item codes manually to receive the PO item.

Finish the Job
Once all is settled and you are ready to complete the job, tap on Done and a prompt will appear if you want to complete the job, put it on hold, Create a Reminder Task, or Convert the Job to Invoice.

Complete – will mark the job as finished and stop clocking your time for that specific job.
Create Reminder Task – This will allow techs to update the office staff to view the follow-up task needed for the job.
Hold – this will put the status of the job on hold for a reason.
Convert to Invoice – Will mark the job completed and convert the job into an invoice.

Create Reminder Task
If you decide to create a reminder task, give the task subject and description.
Assign the task to an office user and add a due date so that once you create it, it will notify the office user you’ve selected. The notification will show in the Reminders and Notification Bell under the Task Tab.

Once you have decided to put the job on hold, you will be given an option for the reason why it was put on hold.
Pick a reason and tap Select.
After you put the job on hold, the Status of the Job will change to HOLD.

How to Complete a Job if it is assigned to multiple Field Employees
If you are one of the field techs assigned to the job, to complete the job for yourself only after you click on the Done button an additional option Complete My Work in the prompt will be added.
Complete My Work – by selecting complete my work, this will only complete your time entries for this job. The other field employee assign to this job will still be able to work on this job and complete it on his own.

Getting a Signature after Job is Completed
If you are using an IOS device, swipe right on the Completed Job to get a signature.
If using an Andriod device, click and hold the Job and click on Sign.
After clicking on Sign, a signature pad will pop up. Put your signature or have the customer sign it and click save.

End your Shift
After a hard day’s work hit the End Shift button. Data will be automatically sent and synced to the office as long as you have a network connection or Wi-Fi.