
Brand Your Business in IndusTrack

To customize your company profile in IndusTrack, follow these steps:

  1. Access Company Profile: Go to Settings > Company Settings > General.
  2. Fill Out Company Info: Update any pre-filled information, including your company name, address, and contact details. Fields marked with (*) are required.
  3. Add Your Company Logo: Upload your logo to appear on estimates and invoices.

Company Details to Review and Update:

  • Company Name: Ensure this is accurate as it appears on all forms for customers.
  • Address:* Confirm address details, including the correct Timezone selection. To use device-based timestamps in reports, check Use Device Timezone.
  • Contact Details: Enter general company contact information, not personal details.

Saving Changes: Always click the Save button at the bottom of the page after making updates.

Logo Management

To Upload a Company Logo:

  1. In the General tab under Company Info, click Click to Select a Logo.
  2. Select the logo file from your device and Save.

To Change the Logo:

  1. Go to Click to Select a Logo and upload a new image. This will replace the current logo.
  2. Save the new logo.

To Delete the Logo:

  1. In Company Info, locate the logo and click the delete (X) icon.
  2. Save changes to remove the logo from your profile.

Advanced Company Settings

To ensure accurate tracking and documentation, set up sequential numbering for invoices, estimates, jobs, and other items.

Setting Up Auto-Incrementing Numbers:

  1. Go to Settings > Company Settings > General > Advanced.
  2. Choose the item (e.g., Jobs, Invoices) and check Autoincrement.
  3. Enter your Starting Number. If you have existing invoices, continue the numbering pattern.
  4. Repeat this process for each item and Save the setup.
  1. Select the option to be set (Jobs, Invoices, Estimates, Purchase Orders, or Customers).
  2. Tick the checkbox for Autoincrement. This will enable the Starting Number field.
  3. Key in the starting number.
    • Ordinarily, the sequence starts at 1. But if you already have existing invoices (for example) and you want to continue the numbering pattern, you can use the next number in the series.
  4. Repeat the same process for the other 3 options.
  5. Save the setup.

Invoice Settings

  • Invoice Report Period: Set to Monthly or Weekly.
  • Enable Late Fee: Optional. Remember to Save any changes.

Scheduling Settings

Configure the following for smoother job-to-invoice transitions:

  • Automatically add job notes to invoice – When converting a job to an invoice, all notes from the job will automatically carry over to the invoice. If not enabled, you will have to manually add the job notes to the invoice when the job is converted.
  • Automatically add Pinned notes to invoice – When converting a job to an invoice, the customer location’s site/pinned note will automatically carry over to the invoice. If not enabled, you will have to manually add the site notes to the invoice when the job is converted.
  • Automatically add office user notes to invoice – When converting a job to an invoice, all office user notes that have been added to the job will automatically carry over to the invoice. If not enabled, you will have to manually add the office user notes to the invoice when the job is converted.
  • Automatically add equipment notes to invoice – Will automatically add equipment service notes to the invoice once the job is converted. If not enabled, you will have to manually add the service notes to the invoice when the job is converted.
  • Automatically add estimate notes to the job – When an estimate is converted into a job, notes from the estimate will automatically carry over to the job. If not enabled, when converting the estimate into a job you will have to manually add the estimate notes to the job.
  • Lock the job from editing once invoiced – When enabled, the office users won’t be allowed to make changes or edit the job once it is invoiced. If not enabled, office users will still be able to make changes to the job after it is invoiced.
  • Add job/Travel time to Invoice – When enabled, the field employees’ time spent on the job will automatically be added as a line item on the invoice. This will be disabled when Quickbooks integration is set up since we can also sync the timesheet entries to Quickbooks.