Technician Performance Report
To access Technician Performance Report, click on the Reports Module from the top dashboard> on the left panel, click Technician Performance.
A drop-down option will show its subcategories for the reports you want to see:
- Employees Performance
- Profitability Detail
- Performance by Job
- Performance by Labor Hours
- Profitability by Tech
- Revenue By Tech

Employees Performance Report
In this Report, you will get able to generate the number of jobs assigned and completed by each field employee and more details:
- Employee Names – the name of the employee.
- Capacity – Demonstrate the maximum amount that something can hold or produce.
- Budget- total estimated time duration of all the jobs assigned to the employee.
- Actual – total hours duration the employee worked on the job.
- Variance – It shows the difference between planned and budgeted figures and actual results.
- of Jobs Assigned / Completed – number of jobs assigned and completed.
- of Tasks Assigned / Completed- number of tasks assigned and completed.
To view the Employees Performance Report, go to Reports Menu on the top> Click Technician Performance> on the drop-down click Employees Performance.

Generate Employees Performance Report
You can filter the report by the following:
- Employees –Name/s of employees
- Click on Select Employees
- You have the option to either select one certain employee, multiple employees, by group, or select all employees.
- Date/s – specific date of the report
- Select the start date and end date
- After you selected the employee/s and the start and end date, click on Get Report.

- Alternatively, you can also select a period rather than selecting a specific date:
- Yesterday | Today | last Week | This Week | Last Month | This Month

After we click on Get Report, we can now export the Employees Performance Report into Excel or PDF format by clicking on the Actions Button.
Actions Button
- Export to PDF
- Export to Excel
- Configure Report Columns
- Add to Favorites

Export Report
- Click on export to Excel or export to PDF to download the report to your computer. Either way, you can completely see the details in the report.

Configure Report Columns
Enable or disable the columns on this report if you want to see them or not. When disabling the column/s, once you generate this report that specific column will be removed.

Uncheck columns you don’t want to see in the Report. Click SAVE after configuring.

Add to Favorites
If you are frequently using this Report, you can select and Add it to Favorites.

After you added a Report to Favorites, a Favorite Tab will be added at the top right of the left panel. All reports that are added to Favorite will be listed in the Top panel for easy access.

Profitability Detail Report
You can find in this report detailed info on your employees’ Total jobs and how much profit they made for those jobs.
- Date – exact date of creation.
- Employee names – name of the employee.
- Customer – customer name.
- Job # – Number of the associated job.
- Start – start date and time.
- End – end date and time.
- Job time – Indicates total job time.
- Labor rate – Demonstrate the rate of labor.
- Labor cost – Calculated by multiplying job time and labor rate.
- Invoice total – when the job is converted to an invoice.
- COGS – total cost of inventory items from the invoice
- Total cost – Calculated by adding labor cost + COGS.
- Gross profit – Calculated by deducting Invoice total – Total cost.
To view the Profitability Detail Report, go to Reports Menu on the top>Click Technician Performance> on the drop-down click Profitability Detail.

Generate Profitability Detail Report
You can filter the report by the following:
- Employees –Name/s of employees
- Click on Select Employee/s
- You have the option to either select one certain employee, multiple employees, by group, or select all employees.
- Date/s – specific date of the report
- Select the start date and end date
- After you selected the employee/s and the start and end date, click on Get Report.

After we click on Get Report, we can now export the Profitability Detail Report into Excel or PDF format by clicking on the Actions Button and selecting Export to PDF or Export to Excel.

Performance by Job Report
Generate all jobs for a specific date, you will be able to see here the actual hours spent on the Job and its statuses and other information:
- Job # Displays job number.
- Job description Shows job description.
- Hours worked on the job Displays the total hours worked on the job.
- Status Exhibit the status of the job.
- Start Displays start date and time.
- End Displays end date and time.
- Estimated Amount associated estimate amount
- Invoiced Amount associated invoice amount
To view Performance by Job Report, go to Reports Menu on the top>Click Technician Performance> on the drop-down click Performance by Job Report.

Generate Performance by Job Report
Select Job Start and End Date, then click on GET REPORT.

After we click on Get Report, we can now export the Performance by Job Report into Excel or PDF format by clicking on the Actions Button and selecting Export to PDF or Export to Excel.

Performance by Labor Hours Report
Generate employee’s total worked hours by a specific date, you will also see here more details:
- Employee Shows name of the employee.
- Time Worked Displays total time worked by employee.
- Paid Time Indicates the amount of hours in which employee woked actively.
- Billable Hours Billable hours refer to the hours an individual works that they can charge to a client
- Bill Time Shows the amount charged by client based on work.
- Profit Shows the total profit made.
To view the Performance by Labor Hours Report, go to Reports Menu on the top> Click Technician Performance> on the drop-down click Performance by Labor Hours Report.

Generate Performance by Labor Hours Report
You can filter the report by the following:
- Employees –Name/s of employees
- Click on Select Employees
- You have the option to either select one certain employee, multiple employees, by group or select all employees.
- Date/s – specific date of the report
- Select the start date and end date
- After you selected the employee/s and the start and end date, click on Get Report.

After we click on Get Report, we can now export the Performance by Labor Hours Report into Excel or PDF format by clicking on the Actions Button and selecting Export to PDF or Export to Excel.

Profitability by Tech Report
In this Report, you will be able to generate all jobs by selected employee/s, the profit of the job/s, and more information.
- Employee Shows name of the employee.
- Customer Dispalys customer name.
- Job # Shows number of jobs.
- Job Description Shows job description.
- Revenue Displays total revenue generated.
- Cost Shows the cost.
- Profitability Shows investment to generate profit or financial gain.
To view the Profitability by Tech Report, go to Reports Menu on the top> Click Technician Performance> on the drop-down click Profitability by Tech Report.

Generate Profitability by Tech Report
You can filter the report by the following:
- Employees –Name/s of employees
- Click on Select Employees
- You have the option to either select one certain employee, multiple employees, by group, or select all employees.
- Date/s – specific date of the report
- Select the start date and end date
- After you selected the employee/s and the start and end date, click on Get Report.

After we click on Get Report, we can now export the Profitability by Tech Report into Excel or PDF format by clicking on the Actions Button and selecting Export to PDF or Export to Excel.

Revenue By Tech Report
Run this report to see the total revenue made by tech on each of their jobs.
- Employee Shows name of the employee.
- Customer Displays customer name.
- Job # Shows number of jobs.
- Job Description Shows job description.
- Revenue Displays total revenue generated.
To view the Revenue By Tech Reports, go to Reports Menu on the top> Click Technician Performance> on the drop-down click Revenue By Tech Reports.

Generate Revenue By Tech Report
You can filter the report by the following:
- Employees –Name/s of employees
- Click on Select Employees
- You have the option to either select one certain employee, multiple employees, by group, or select all employees.
- Date/s – specific date of the report
- Select the start date and end date
- After you selected the employee/s and the start and end date, click on Get Report.

After we click on Get Report, we can now export the Revenue by Tech Report into Excel or PDF format by clicking on the Actions Button and selecting Export to PDF or Export to Excel.