Customer’s Profile
Each customer added into IndusTrack will have a profile once their account is created.
From their profile, you can review their previous records, create and manage services and update their information in a single location, smoothing the entire customer service experience. You can access the same historical information as the field service technicians’ which is updated in real-time.
To access and update your client’s profile, go to the list. Scroll down the list and find the client’s name. You can also use the search bar to quickly find the customer.

Once you find the customer you are looking for, click on their name.

This will open the customer’s profile.

Customer’s Profile

The customer’s details that were added when their profile was created will be indicated at the upper portion of the profile page. The customer’s company name will be at the top. Their billing and service locations and contact information along with their latest contract service status are also reflected in the top half of the page. If the customer has availed a membership, the level and expiration date will also be shown here. When expiration date becomes due, a reminder will appear on the notifications icon.

From here, use the Back button to go back to the Customers list and the Edit Contact button to enable the editor page of the customer profile.

The total dollar value of the estimates and invoices are also summarized here. At a glance, you are able to see the status of the customer’s accounts. These are updated every time an estimate or an invoice or a job for the customer is updated.
- Pending Quotes – These are estimates that have been prepared or sent to the customer but no action has been taken.
- Invoice Overdue – These are invoices that have gone over the approved payment terms but have not been paid.
- Awaiting Payments – These are invoices that are not yet paid but are still within the payment terms.

You can also assign Tags to the customer profile by selecting from the available tags.

Manage Your Customer in One Place

On the bottom half of the customer page, you will find the following tabs: location, estimates, jobs, invoices, equipment, reminders, notes, attachments, geofences and messaging. There is no need to dig deep into piles of paper or computer files to retrieve the customer’s information, records and documents. You can access, create and manage all of these from the customer’s profile. Industrack makes it easy for you.
Under the Locations tab is a listing of all of the customer’s service locations. The billing address (if different from the service address) is not listed here. If you want to add the billing address as service location too, you will have to add it as one.

You can also create additional service locations for the customer. Click the ADD NEW button to add new Service Location. Fill in the boxes to add the information the click on SAVE.

Under the Estimate tab. you will find the listing of all the Estimates that have been prepared for the customer.

You can also create and manage estimates for the customer from here. Go to the Estimates module for the detailed discussion of the Estimates.
The Jobs tab contains a listing of all the Jobs that have been scheduled for the customer.

From the Jobs tab, you can create job schedules for the customer. You can also manage those that have already been created for them. Go to the Schedule module for the detailed discussion of Jobs. The process is the same whether the feature is accessed from the customer’s profile or the Schedule module.
The Invoice tab contains a listing of all the Invoices that have been created for the customer.

You can also create and manage invoices for the customer from here.
The Equipment Tab contains a listing of all the equipment/hardware that the customer has purchased from you or any equipment from third-party vendors that you track.
The list includes the equipment type and model, the manufacturer, warranty details, attachments, and description. For ease of monitoring, the list includes the number of months left before warranty expiration. Location Filter is also available to filter.

In the Reminders Tab, set up reminders for an office user to take action on. When the due date arrives, the reminder will appear in the notifications for that user.
The Reminders List will contain different reminders that have been created.

Under the Notes Tab, you can add notes about communications with the customer or any other notes you need to make about the account.
You can also create site notes. These are notes that field employees can see in the IndusTrack mobile app for every job scheduled for the customer. These can be very useful if there are things like gate codes to access the property or parking area assignments.

On the Notes List will be the notes created about the customer and the jobs created for them. There will be Office Only and Job Notes. You can filter the Notes List to show only either the External or Internal Notes.
The Job Notes and Office Notes include Site Notes where you can tick the box if you want Site Notes to be associated and any notes added to specific jobs created for the customer. These notes are visible to the field employees.

The Office Only Notes include notes created under this tab and marked as “Internal Note.” These notes are not visible to the field employees.
Under the Attachments tab, upload and save things such as pictures, site maps, special install manuals or any additional contract with the customer. Attachments can also be made visible on the field employees IndusTrack mobile.

The Geofences tab is where you can add a custom-sized or hand-drawn Geofence. This is what will show up on the map when you overlay geofences. It is also what will be used to trigger the Geofence Enter and Exit alerts.

Send an email message to the customer via IndusTrack. Any message sent will be added to the Message listing under the Messaging Tab.

Contract tab is where you can create an upcoming services arrange with your customer. From this tab, you can either add: Service Agreement and Membership.